July 15, 2022 ITRSJ Volume 14 Turf Society members only, research You are unauthorized to view this page. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password
July 1, 2017 ITRSJ Volume 13 Turf Society members only, research You are unauthorized to view this page.
July 17, 2013 ITRSJ Volume 12 Turf Society members only, research You are unauthorized to view this page.
July 15, 2010 ITRSJ Volume 10 Turf Society members only, research You are unauthorized to view this page.
December 20, 2009 Int. Turf. Res. Soc. J. 11:195-205 Turf Society members only, research Anthracnose, Application Volume, Dennis Shepard, Droplet Size, John Kaminski, Mike Agnew, Mike Fidanza You are unauthorized to view this page.
July 15, 2009 ITRSJ Volume 11 Turf Society members only, research You are unauthorized to view this page.