International Turfgrass Society
Established 1969
The Society
The International Turfgrass Society (ITS) is a not-for-profit scientific organization established in 1969 to encourage research and education in turfgrass science, and to promote personal communication among the international community of turfgrass researchers by organizing international conferences to present turfgrass research and information on all phases of turfgrass production and use.
To this end, International Turfgrass Research Conferences (ITRC) are held at 4-year intervals. The hosts for past conferences have been England (1969), the United States (1973, 1993, 2017), Germany (1977), Canada (1981, 2001), France (1985), Japan (1989), Australia (1997), U.K. (2005), Chile (2009), China (2013), and Denmark (2022).
Only individuals who are turfgrass scientists, or who are interested in turfgrass science, shall be eligible for membership, unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise.
The Board of Directors shall elect the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, ITS Website Editor, ITS Newsletter Editor, ITSRJ Editor-in-Chief and Historian. Preference shall be given to having the President be a citizen of the country in which the next meeting of the society will be held, and to having the President-Elect be a citizen of the country invited to host the meeting following the next meeting. The Treasurer shall be located in the United States of America. Each officer shall serve as a director of the Corporation during his or her term in office.
The directors, other than a director who serves by virtue of being a past president or an elected officer, shall be elected by the Members of this Corporation. At least four countries shall each have an elected director on the Board of Directors and no more than two elected directors shall be residents of one country.